
Posts Tagged ‘Personal Development’

Now there are some days  ( not very often) when I am really surprised – in the true sense of the word ‘surprise’.

Working for a larger ‘corporate’ cynicism can creep in when it comes to the walking the talk on leadership. The leaders that succeed are not necessarily the ones that follow the ‘good leadership manual’. I was warmed today to receive an email from our CEO. Among the state of the nation communication was an emphasis on leadership:

Leadership is all about others. It’s about service, care and creating a sense of belonging for others. I envisage a model of leadership where leaders are highly conscious about self, about life and universal truth and wisdom, who bring an intention to their jobs of service and care for others. If you have an attitude of compassion and humility, then people will give back massively to the leader. (Tex Gunning)

Now that is a radical take on leadership from where my company has been. It is inspiring. It resonates with my values and I think it taps into real timeless  truth about good leadership.

It reminds me of a verse in Matthew (23:11)

The greatest among you will be your servant. 12For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

And also:

For he who is least among you all—he is the greatest (Luke 9:47)

Well….. what do you think?

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I was coming to a meeting this morning and was not approaching it with a particularly positive frame of mind (and that was put in a positive way!) . Why? I  had had to cancel a previous meeting to make this, I was ‘invited’ to this meeting at short notice, and given pre-work at short notice which put other areas under pressure.

In the past I have been tempted to be ‘Mr Grumpy’ in situations such as these. This time I chose to adopt a lighter mood, frame the meeting from a postive perspective, adopt the intent that I was there for the others in the meeting and to make a real (positive) difference to them.

And… what a difference. I really enjoyed the meeting, felt I contributed in a meaningful way. And all this in a way that was aligned with my values and beliefs.

And so what had I learned? I can choose how I will ‘be’. How I will impact on others. I can choose how resourceful a state I can adopt. I can ‘feel’ better about this and can ensure a more positive outcome for those around me.

When I write this I can here a ‘wow – that’s not exactly rocket science’ comment from within me ( and probably form others!) That is so true. What is also true, in my experience, is that it is the obvious and simple that I constantly need to learn and re-learn.

What is your experience?

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I love frosty mornings. They lift my spirit! The sunlight reflecting on the frosted trees, ice and river. The freshness in the air, the crisp crunch of the brittle grass underfoot. What could be better.

Why is it, I ask myself, that I don’t feel like this when it is dull and gloomy? When my spirit is not lifted? What is it specifically about frosty mornings?

Well that’s what I am about to find out. Modelling what happens to me and others on frosty mornings and being able to apply that to dull days would be dynamite.

… and that is what I am going to do!

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Last week a friend had said he would give me some personal feedback and therefore we had arranged to meet. During our discussion there was one thing specific bit of feedback that hit home and that was around ‘connectedness’. Basically my friend said that there were times when I was fully engaged with him. There were other times when he noticed I was not fully connected and that he felt that my attentions was elsewhere and thinking about other things than the things that we were talking about. At these times I was giving messages that I was bored. How interesting!
Recently I have been focusing on very much being connected with people in the moment. People I admire in this regard and have been observing create the sense that you and they are the only important people in the world at that moment – and that is what I have been learning to do over that last month or so. I believe I have learned to do this well but I also understand that at the moment this does not come naturally/automatically.
I find that focusing on the ‘here and now’ or ‘being in the moment’ is a very rewarding place to be. I, like many people tend to focus on the future and the things that need to be done rather than enjoy the richness of the present moment. As it says in one of my favourite passages from the book of Matthew

“Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to
worry about today.”

So…. how are you living in the moment?


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It struck me this week that I have a particular pattern when travelling. I often want to get to the destination as quickly as possible with less concern about the journey – and this may be true for many of us, particularly in the west.

This week I was travelling to an event one morning and had a choice. I could go on the ‘fast’ road and risk a traffic jam (but it looked suspiciously clear!) or I could take a small country road that would by-pass the potential bottleneck but that would take a few minutes longer. Now I knew I would enjoy the experience of the country road, the colour of the tress, the view of the river etc however I still was really tempted ( and I mean really!) to take the faster route.

I often live my life in the pursuit of the destination without the focus on the journey and I believe that my experience is the poorer because of that. Yes the destination is important – for that is the reason I set out – but to enjoy and experience every moment of the journey is a real enhancement to my experience. Not to do so is to deny myself the opportunities that living in the present give.

…and what about you?

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A very interesting word that I had not really come across until recently.
A very powerful word…. I looked it up and found that it is really rich.

unchained: not bound by shackles and chains


freed from restrictions or bonds

When applied to self things get even more interesting. The question for me is what bonds or shackles are holding me back from being the person I really am? What are the self imposed restrictions that I am living with? A key learning for me recently is about removing barriers that I put up to protect. By learning to be venerable I can really connect with people I meet enhance their learning and my experience.


This is just the start and I can see other ‘fetters’ such as self limiting beliefs….

What about you….

What are you chains you have?

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Isn’t it strange that stories that you are so familiar with suddenly take on a fresh meaning. Things that were hidden take on a new clarity.

I have been familiar with the parable of the talents since childhood. Last night I was reading it again. It goes like this. (money=talents) …

“It’s also like a man going off on an extended trip. He called his servants together and delegated responsibilities. To one he gave five thousand dollars, to another two thousand, to a third one thousand, depending on their abilities. Then he left. Right off, the first servant went to work and doubled his master’s investment. The second did the same. But the man with the single thousand dug a hole and carefully buried his master’s money. “After a long absence, the master of those three servants came back and settled up with them. The one given five thousand dollars showed him how he had doubled his investment. His master commended him: ‘Good work! You did your job well. From now on be my partner.’
“The servant with the two thousand showed how he also had doubled his master’s investment. His master commended him: ‘Good work! You did your job well. From now on be my partner.’
“The servant given one thousand said, ‘Master, I know you have high standards and hate careless ways, that you demand the best and make no allowances for error. I was afraid I might disappoint you, so I found a good hiding place and secured your money. Here it is, safe and sound down to the last cent.’
“The master was furious. ‘That’s a terrible way to live! It’s criminal to live cautiously like that! If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least? The least you could have done would have been to invest the sum with the bankers, where at least I would have gotten a little interest.

What was new to me in this parable was that this is saying that we are given talents and God expects us to make the most of these skills, gifts & capabilities that we have been given. We are expected to fulfil the potential that has been given to us.

Whether you have a belief in God or not I believe it to be a truth – that I need to seek to fulfil my potential with the gifts I have been given and that I can do this most effectively by being the real ‘me’. The authentic, unfettered me. There are times when I may be tempted to soft peddle my talents ( i.e. bury them) but I know that I will be most fulfilled and effective if I don’t.

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I was cycling this morning in the woods – a route that is quite familiar too me. The weather has been windy recently and many of the autumn leaves had been blown down. The path that I was accustomed to was covered with a mat of vibrant orange (a truly amazing almost artificial colour) covering the whole floor of the wood meaning that I had to ‘guess’ where the path was or choose the direction I thought was best.

Despite the greater sense of potential ‘unknown’ danger’ lurking underneath the leaves, the routes I chose got me to where I needed to go without incident.
I found this intriguing.
How often have I stuck to the established and expected path thinking that this is the only way? And has that path been the expectation that I have held in my mind rather than the real expectations of others. How liberating it is to feel and be unconstrained in the approach and direction I take focusing on the journey and the outcome.

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